Game Boy Cartridge Business Cards!

I have been meaning to get some business cards made for a while. With getting into the BAFTA Crew and events such as Rocket Jump and EGX Rezzed coming up I thought it was about time I came up with a solid idea for a card. I wanted something out of the box and different. I sat down to brainstorm some ideas and within 10 minutes I had it - GAME BOY CARTRIDGES! This is what I came up with :) 

A friend of mine came up with the genius idea of keeping them in a cartridge case which I definitely plan on doing. 


SO excited to announce that I just found out I am part of this years BAFTA Crew Games! Looking forward to meeting the other crew members, networking and learning from pioneers in the games industry! It's such a wonderful organisation and I am beyond excited to be a part of it.



Hand Painting & MIA-ness

A few hours of downtime practising some hand painted textures. WIP but they have come a long way since I first had a go at them a year ago!


I've been MIA the past couple of months as I've been working with PlayerThree on a number of really fun games for some great brands. Hopefully I can share and add them to my portfolio soon as they should be out sooner rather than later! I'm also in the process of working on a really exciting project in advertising which should  be out in a few months so watch this space :)