I recently started a personal project to practice my hand painting skills. This has been the most fun I have had creating game art in a while and reminded me how much I love traditionally texturing in Photoshop. Still a work in progress, I'm planning on making a few props and possibly another building so watch this space! Created in Maya and Photoshop, based on an image I found on Pinterest.
Learning Substance & WIG Ambassador!
I've had Substance Painter and Designer on my "programs to learn" list for a while now. After finishing a contract at ustwo recently I decided to use some of my down time to finally learn both programs proficiently! I am still learning but have been working on a few personal projects when I have time.
The crate is a premade model by Algorithmic that I textured and is finished. The jetpack is based on concept art, but was modelled and textured by me. It is still a WIP.
Jetpack Concept Art
Jetpack Model and Texture - WIP
I adore Substance Painter! It saves so much time but gives such amazing results. I'll keep updating with my progress.
I also was recently announced as one of the Women In Games Ambassadors which is such an honour! So exciting and I can't wait to start doing amazing things for women and our industry with the fellow ambassadors, we are working on some fun things, watch this space.
Payload Studios Art Test
I recently had a job interview with Payload Studios and was given an art test which I had to create a 'block' for their game, Terratech. The brief was to create an asset in the style of their game that was 300-1500 triangles and had albedo, metallic and smoothness maps at 512x512. I also had to provide rough sketches of my concept ideas and import the assets into Unity.
I ended up creating two weapon assets because I couldn't decide which one I liked more. I wanted to fill a gap they were missing without going too out of the box. I came up with a 360 Shooter and a Plasma Gun. The Plasma gun is 615 triangles, the Shooter is 630. I used Maya, Photoshop and Substance Designer to create these assets. I loved it! Making something keeping in mind an existing style and game was a really fun new challenge.
Final Assets
Diffuse Maps: Plasma, Shooter
My Assets in Unity vs. Terratech game assets
Hand Painted Well
I had a quick art test to do for a potential job the other week. It was for a VR Game similar to Mario Kart and the company gave me a task to create any asset I wanted in the style of their game. The game included castles, crates and houses so I thought I would make a well. I made this in about 10 hours and am really happy with it! I'm planning on making some more assets to go along with it in a small scene.